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Interview Videos – Different Types for Your Business

Do you want your company to stand out from the competition? Or want your brand to be viewed as an expert within the space you operate in? Do you want to add video content into your current video marketing/content marketing calendars? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then you’re in luck. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss the different types of interview videos you can use for your business online. 

These aren’t the only ways to use interview videos. In fact, these aren’t the only ways to use video content for your business. This of this as a starting point and let your creativity help structure the rest.


Interview Videos Defined

When we say “interview videos,” what exactly do we mean? This does describe a number of different types of videos.

From a recruitment standpoint, some people will use video chat to actually interview a possible candidate. While yes, that technically falls into this category, we will be excluding that. Mainly because that information is private, and you’re not going to be making a candidate’s video public. That’s bad.

What we’re actually talking about are things like testimonial videos from happy customers, a description of a particular process/product/service, or even having a panel discussion with an expert in the field to pick their brains. 

In each of these types of videos, you can expertly craft a narrative that will resonate with your target demographic. This will help to increase engagement and loyalty towards your brand.


Testimonial Videos

If you’ve taken a look at our blogs before, then there’s a good chance that you’ve seen a few posts talking about testimonial videos. That’s because these videos are pretty important when it comes to executing a successful video marketing campaign.

Think about the last time you were looking for a recommendation on a product or service. Maybe you were shopping around for a new car, or even looking at calling a plumber to fix some things at your house.

We’re lucky to have access to so many great products and services today, but how can you choose the best options? Seeing a testimonial video from a happy customer can go a long way in converting someone into a happy customer themselves.

Testimonial videos are a great way to show a genuine reaction to something specific, and that authentic reaction can go a long way. The moment a testimonial video feel scripted, then it started to lose it’s power.

When we conduct testimonial videos, do come prepared with a list of questions that spark conversation. It’s best to phrase a question in such a way that it cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no.”


Product or Service Descriptions

If a person isn’t used to being on camera, or if they have a fear of public speaking, then it may be challenging to get them to describe their product or service on camera. Even though video content is more accessible than ever, this is a reality in which we still live in.

However, that isn’t a bad thing. Not everyone likes to hear or see themselves talk, and people don’t often like giving public presentations.

But for the times you need either a sales rep, or maybe an engineer, to describe their product or service, conducting a video interview may be the best way to get information to be presented in a natural way.

Writing a script that tells this person exactly what to say could be an option, however, if someone doesn’t have experience memorizing line or reading from a teleprompter, this could end up not going super well. The on camera talent may start to get uncomfortable, start to stumble over their words, and could look panicked.

A great way to get around this is to pretty much conduct an interview on camera. Since they are an expert in the product/service they are looking to sell or create, they should be able to answer questions on it without a problem.

You can look at the situation this way – tell the person on camera to treat you like a prospective customer, and you’re looking to have some questions answered before making a purchasing decision. Similar to how testimonial videos work, this can go a long way in creating some genuine content.


Panel Discussions

Would it be appropriate for your brand to bring in an industry expert and ask them some questions? Answering questions like these can benefit your audience and help position your brand as an authority. It can also open you up to a wider audience who has a connection with the person you are interviewing.

If there is a prominent figure within the industry you operate in, you could invite that person to be on camera as content for your brand. This would be an instance where you would share interview videos with the masses, since this isn’t for recruitment purposes.

With a video like this, you can shoot it like a video podcast. Or if the person you’d like to speak with cannot physically be there, you can record a Skype conversation (or really any web-chat). The content you acquire from this will be very valuable.

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When it comes to interview videos, there are many ways you can use these to create content for your business. Specifically here, we talked about testimonial videos, product or service descriptions, or panel discussions. 

Which each video has its own purpose, they all can be structured around the same format, and that is where you use a list of questions to interview someone in particular. This can help create authentic and genuine content your audience will enjoy. 

We hope you find this information helpful, and we hope you learned something new from this and if you want more video marketing ideas visit 25 Ideas for Video Marketing Content. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

Neil K Carroll

Neil K Carroll


I was your average small-town video guy, but when the pandemic hit, everything changed.

I ran a traditional video production agency with exclusively local clientele, a downtown studio, and a busy schedule. My days were long, travel frequent, and life as I knew it revolved around producing video content for my clients.

Then everything changed. Schools and daycares closed, my professional life was disrupted, and I found myself navigating a new path. It was one of uncertainty, with no end in sight and no destination obvious, but it demanded flexibility and resilience.

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Unlocking Your Ability to Create Powerful, Professional Video Content

If you had to create an engaging, professional video for your business today, could you pull it off? If you’re like many consultants and other business professionals, you’d probably feel completely overwhelmed. Even finding a starting point might seem impossible. And that’s frustrating, because you know if you want to grow your business, video is an essential part of your marketing, sales, and communications strategies.

What you don’t know, though, is how to easily create videos that:
❓ Strengthen your brand
❓ Establish your authority, and
❓ Make people want to do business with you.

That’s the problem we help solve. We have created the vidwheel Creator Network,  a community where entrepreneurs and consultants representing all industries can come together to master the simple steps to stabilize and grow your business through video. From strategy to audio and lighting, staging, preparation, to feeling 100% natural in front of the camera, here’s where you can learn it all. I created the vidwheel Creator Network as a supportive, energizing place to learn, share feedback, and grow alongside a community of professionals a lot like you!

Our affordable membership package even includes a done-for-you equipment kit. A video studio-in-a-box for your home or office. We’ve curated these kits for simplicity, versatility, and video creation power. No guesswork. No bins full of equipment you bought but didn’t need.

It’s the trifecta of video mastery:
✅ Right training
✅ Right equipment
✅ Right community

That’s the kind of ease I wish I had when I started my own small business.

If this sounds like what you’ve been looking for, please take a moment to check out the vidwheel Creator Network.