How To Integrate Video Into Your Content Marketing Strategy

Should you integrate video into your content marketing strategy?
Picture this, Worldometers estimates that more than 3.1 million blogs are posted each day. The internet is a sea of words. No one has the time to read everything that is posted online. In such confusion, you must make your website or blog stand out and video is a great way to do that.
People who skim through blog posts looking for specific information can benefit from a good video. With a succinct and well-made video content, it is as easy as click and watch for your viewers to receive your message. Videos provide specific, engaging information. By adding a video on your landing page, and other pages by extension, you minimize bounces. Visitors get to know more about your products or services.
So, in a word, yes.
Next question – How do you integrate video?
1. Post Product Videos
There is a general feeling that product videos are boring, right?
They do not have to be. You can ensure the videos are interesting by making them concise, informative and short. Have you ever seen videos on YouTube with a tag ‘this will only take one minute’? Those are the types of videos that your prospects need.
Product videos should be embedded on your landing page and shared across your social media networks. When a prospect first visits your website, they may not know where to start; this is where a video comes in.
It helps your visitors learn more about your product and how to use it. It is also a better way to capture new subscribers and customers according to Ric Dean the CEO of PBNPilot. “Words might not fully describe what a product does; there are aspects that you just have to show on a video.”
2. Re-Purpose Your Webinars
Have you ever attended a webinar? There will be a bevy of emails before the day of the webinar. However, after the webinar, everything goes silent. It is a waste; if you do not attend the webinar, you might never hear of it again.
Webinars take time; you organize them and then you promote them on different platforms. After the webinar, you need to cut the video into clips tackling a specific topic and upload them on YouTube. These clips will allow more people to find your business and continue to build your expert status long after your webinar is over.
Besides uploading clips of your webinar on YouTube, it is a great idea to get people talking about your webinar. You can do this by getting your webinar to industry influencers via social media. Share, ask for a plug, if your content is good enough, this may spark a chain reaction from viewers exposing your vidoe to a larger audience.
3. Make Videos on Trending Topics
Do you remember the mannequin challenge in November 2016?
Everyone was onto it; big companies boarded the wagon and the challenge became the order of business. Some videos from the challenge were the stuff of legends; entertaining while still selling.
It is easy to say you do not care what the millennials are up to, but it will surely affect your business. Companies that took part in the mannequin challenge had their videos shared widely. Other companies thought the challenge was pointless and lost a great deal of exposure.
These types of videos are cheap; they do not require the company to have a budget, and can often be executed by in-house staff. You can create the videos on the phone and edit bits of them to create something enthralling.
Employees are always looking to have fun. In a world where everyone is into photography and videography, even close friends can help you create these videos.
4. Incorporate Videos in Your E-Mails
Of the hundreds of emails you receive every day, how many do you open? Emails can be overwhelming and many people result to just skimming through the titles or not reading them at all.
Each conference you have ever attended, each site you have subscribed, friends, clients and so much more. It is safe not to assume that your prospects have time to open emails. Instead, make the emails interesting by incorporating a video.
Andy Hughes at Caffeinated advises “To up the opening rate of emails include the words ‘video inside’ in the subject line. These videos do not have to be long and boring. You only need to teach a single concept in the video to get it viral. The increased opening rates will increase link click-through and eventually up your sales.”
However, video emails should not replace other content; they are just a way to spice your content. When starting, collect data to see how receptive your subscribers are to the videos.
5. Social Media Live Videos
Live videos are trending. Influencers are using them to communicate to their followers about new products or services. Live videos are being watched more than other videos.
You can also use live videos to better your engagement with prospects. These live videos are better used on Facebook and Instagram. Whenever a live video goes up, your followers are notified which means they will be there watching as you post.
Nowadays, there are tools that allow you to pre-record a live video before uploading. Recording a video before uploading it live comes in handy when there are sections to edit. Live videos, again, do not need a budget. You only need to have a quality phone camera and you are good to go.
The video needs to be short and to the point. Timing is important for live videos. At what time of the day are most of your followers online? Capitalizing on the follower numbers will get your videos to a larger crowd. Otherwise, you will have no audience.
6. Test, Test
Videos are great but they also need you to get statistics and evaluate. You start with a few videos and then evolve into producing videos every week. Even as you produce high-quality videos, you need to get your analytics right.
Analytics help you know which videos rocked and which ones stalled. Some videos will become popular, viral even, but this does not mean everything else will be. It is paramount to look for factors that made a video popular or unpopular.
Where do your viewers come from? What do they do? What are their problems and how can you solve them? Answers to these questions will help you better your videos to reach more people.
It is important to try different types of videos including product videos and tutorials. You can even run a YouTube channel as you test what works and what does not. Like any marketing strategy, objectives are the key.
For other planning tips for your video campaign download The Video Marketing Strategy Blueprint available in pdf or on the web. It is a quick, actionable guide to planning or refining your video marketing campaign.

Neil K Carroll
I was your average small-town video guy, but when the pandemic hit, everything changed.
I ran a traditional video production agency with exclusively local clientele, a downtown studio, and a busy schedule. My days were long, travel frequent, and life as I knew it revolved around producing video content for my clients.
Then everything changed. Schools and daycares closed, my professional life was disrupted, and I found myself navigating a new path. It was one of uncertainty, with no end in sight and no destination obvious, but it demanded flexibility and resilience.
Unlocking Your Ability to Create Powerful, Professional Video Content
If you had to create an engaging, professional video for your business today, could you pull it off? If you’re like many consultants and other business professionals, you’d probably feel completely overwhelmed. Even finding a starting point might seem impossible. And that’s frustrating, because you know if you want to grow your business, video is an essential part of your marketing, sales, and communications strategies.
What you don’t know, though, is how to easily create videos that:
❓ Strengthen your brand
❓ Establish your authority, and
❓ Make people want to do business with you.
That’s the problem we help solve. We have created the vidwheel Creator Network, a community where entrepreneurs and consultants representing all industries can come together to master the simple steps to stabilize and grow your business through video. From strategy to audio and lighting, staging, preparation, to feeling 100% natural in front of the camera, here’s where you can learn it all. I created the vidwheel Creator Network as a supportive, energizing place to learn, share feedback, and grow alongside a community of professionals a lot like you!
Our affordable membership package even includes a done-for-you equipment kit. A video studio-in-a-box for your home or office. We’ve curated these kits for simplicity, versatility, and video creation power. No guesswork. No bins full of equipment you bought but didn’t need.
It’s the trifecta of video mastery:
✅ Right training
✅ Right equipment
✅ Right community
That’s the kind of ease I wish I had when I started my own small business.
If this sounds like what you’ve been looking for, please take a moment to check out the vidwheel Creator Network.