8 Statistics That Will Make You an Instant Believer in Video Marketing

by | Mar 3, 2018 | Video Marketing, Video Production | 0 comments

8 Statistics That Will Make You an Instant Believer in Video Marketing

Mar 3, 2018

Every good marketer already knows it: With people’s busy schedules and short attention spans, simple text is by no means an effective way to get your message across. If you want a user to actually process what you’re saying, you need to go a different route. Video marketing is an excellent way to portray emotion and tone in a way that text simply never could. As the old saying goes: “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
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This adage has proved true over and over again in the world of marketing. So, what’s a video worth?

According to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research, a 1-minute video is worth about 1.8 Million words. Even if you disagree with his estimate, there’s no doubting that video is absolutely everywhere, and it’s one of the most effective forms of content in every niche and industry under the sun. If you aren’t convinced, just take a look at the numbers…

#1 Video Statistics are Staggering

According to CISCO, more than 80% of everything on the internet will be video content by next year. This drastic estimate came from real-world statistics that consider how much content is constantly being uploaded online. Out of all of it, YouTube receives about 300 hours worth of new content each and every minute, of every day! Additional video content is uploaded to tens of thousands of other websites, too, including Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, and course websites.

Plus, about 82% of Twitter users watch videos while on the social network. At the same time, around 45% of people watch more than an hour of video while on Facebook each week.

#2 More than half of people watch videos every single day

Research by MWP revealed that more than 55% of internet users report watching video content on a daily basis. This means they are explicitly heading to YouTube or their favorite video-content hosting site and sitting down to stream. If you don’t have video content, how do you expect to be garnering their attention? More than 45% spend an hour or more watching videos on YouTube each week.

#3 The average internet user will see more than 32 videos/month

Still not convinced that you need video content? If you don’t have it, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. Viewers spend hours worth of their time watching video content online. In fact, the average user is exposed to more than 32+ videos each month while browsing the internet. If you’re not on the list, your competitors most certainly will be.

#4 Users are 64% more likely to buy your product if they see a video

Video is extremely effective across all businesses and industries. In fact, about 90% of internet users say that seeing a video will influence their shopping decision. Out of those, 64% of people say they are more likely to purchase a product that has a video associated with it. They want to see your product in action. Don’t tell them what it does, show them!

Even if you just show them an advertisement in the form of a video to a non-interested customer, about 46% of users will still take some sort of action regarding it, including: looking for more info, visiting your website, or even purchasing the specific product you’re representing.

#5 Non-profits can get 35% more money with videos

Non-profits have experienced 10:1 ROI when using video content to engage users. By showing them situations and the impact a donation can make, they can raise about 35% more money. That’s right, a person willing to donate $50 will be willing to donate (on average) $67.50 after viewing a video about the charity. This magical increase in generosity shows that video works to provoke thoughts and feelings better than any other form of media.

Even if you’re not a non-profit, evoking emotion can help make campaigns go viral, and help you build a deeper connection with users.

#6 Video marketers grow revenue 49% faster

A marketer who uses video is able to grow their revenue about 49% faster than a market who doesn’t. If that’s not enough, you’ll likely be convinced when you see the results of your campaign. A video drives about 157% more organic traffic than other types of content. Plus, if you’re looking to improve SEO, featuring a video in your blog post means it’s 3x more likely to be shared by your users.

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#7 Emails and videos are best friends

If you include a video in your next email marketing campaign, you can expect some thrilling results. Click-through rate is improved an average of 96% when a video is present. It also increases the subscriber-to-lead conversion rate by about 51%. Imagine what that could do for your business!


#8 More than 50% of marketers agree

Everyone approached things different, but more than 50% of professional marketers can agree on one thing: video is the number one type of content to use if you want the biggest return on your investment. Because of that, about 87% of businesses in all industries are finding a way to use videos in their marketing campaigns. Are you interested in learning how to kick off your own video marketing campaign? Download The Video Marketing Strategy Blueprint (PDF).

Neil K Carroll

Neil K Carroll


I was your average small-town video guy, but when the pandemic hit, everything changed.

I ran a traditional video production agency with exclusively local clientele, a downtown studio, and a busy schedule. My days were long, travel frequent, and life as I knew it revolved around producing video content for my clients.

Then everything changed. Schools and daycares closed, my professional life was disrupted, and I found myself navigating a new path. It was one of uncertainty, with no end in sight and no destination obvious, but it demanded flexibility and resilience.

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Neil K Carroll

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