What Should I Talk About? How to Find Topics That Resonate

Live streaming has become an essential part of our lives, especially during the pandemic. Whether it’s a live Q&A, a webinar, or a panel discussion, live streaming has proven to be an effective tool for connecting with audiences and building communities. However, one of the biggest challenges of live streaming is figuring out what to talk about. If you’re struggling to come up with topics that resonate with your audience, you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some strategies for finding topics that will engage your viewers and keep them coming back for more.

 Understanding Your Audience:

The first step in finding topics that resonate with your audience is to understand who your audience is. Who are the people watching your live streams? What are their interests, concerns, and pain points? The more you know about your audience, the better you’ll be able to tailor your content to their needs.

One way to understand your audience is to conduct surveys or polls. Ask your viewers what topics they would like to see covered in your live streams. You can also use social media to get a sense of what your audience is talking about. Look for hashtags and conversations related to your niche, and see what people are saying.

Another way to understand your audience is to analyze your live stream metrics. Look at which live streams have the highest engagement rates and the most comments. What topics did you cover in those live streams? This can give you a good indication of what your audience is interested in.

 Brainstorming Topics:

Once you have a better understanding of your audience, it’s time to start brainstorming topics. There are a few different approaches you can take to this:

  1. Look for trends and news in your niche. What are the hot topics right now? What are people talking about? You can use tools like Google Trends, Buzzsumo, or Feedly to stay on top of the latest news and trends in your industry.
  2. Address common questions and pain points. What are the most common questions your audience asks? What are their biggest challenges and pain points? Addressing these issues in your live streams can be a great way to provide value to your viewers and build trust.
  3. Share your expertise. What are you an expert in? What topics do you feel passionate about? Sharing your expertise and insights can help establish you as a thought leader in your niche.
  4. Collaborate with other creators. Is there someone in your industry that you admire or respect? Consider reaching out to them to collaborate on a live stream. Not only can this provide fresh perspectives and insights, but it can also help you reach new audiences.

Testing Your Topics:

Once you’ve brainstormed some topics, it’s important to test them out to see what resonates with your audience. One way to do this is to create a poll or survey and ask your viewers which topics they are most interested in. You can also test your topics by creating short-form content like Instagram stories or Twitter polls. See which topics get the most engagement and adjust your live stream topics accordingly.

Another way to test your topics is to create a “test live stream.” This can be a shorter live stream (10-15 minutes) where you cover one topic and see how your audience responds. Use this as an opportunity to experiment with different formats, styles, and topics to see what works best.


Live streaming can be a powerful tool for building your brand, engaging with your audience, and providing value to your viewers. However, finding topics that resonate with your audience can be a challenge. By understanding your audience, brainstorming topics, and testing your ideas, you can create engaging and valuable