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Improve Your Campaign #10 – YouTube Video Descriptions

Oct 20, 2016


In our last video in this series we talked about Tags. Today let’s talk about your YouTube descriptions. They are very important to your video marketing efforts. Here are three quick tips:

Write Long Video Descriptions

Unlike your video itself, brevity is not your friend. This is just classic SEO. YouTube gives you 5000 characters to utilize. Fill your YouTube video descriptions with natural-sounding, keyword-heavy info that relates to your video, but no keyword lists (that is what the tags are for). We will often include a transcript as part of our video descriptions.

Include a Link

A link could be the first and last line of your video descriptions. Including a link gives your viewers an easy next step to access more of your content.

Encourage Subscribing and Sharing

Looking for more content to fill out that 5,000 characters? A statement about subscribing or sharing your video is a great thing to add after your initial description – engaged viewers will see it and take action.


aMarketingShift – Learn About Video

aMarketingShift is an online community and video series designed to demonstrate the benefits of video marketing on the web, as well as advising businesses how to better administer their own video marketing campaigns.

These videos are broken up into two types. Why Video is Awesome – reasons that video is a great medium for your business and Improve Your Campaign – tips on how to start or improve your own video campaign.

These videos are quick, interesting and helpful. And they can be sent directly to your email inbox. Join our LinkedIn Group to learn more and for great discussion.

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