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Small Business Breakthrough Day (and Breakthrough Brunches) – Video

Mar 31, 2014


In a previous post we featured a video and some photos from Small Business Breakthrough Day. I wanted to share a few more of those videos in this post. Featured above is Parrish Gibbons of Learning Disabilities Association of Western New York. Below is Aly Luccari of Bright Organizing Solutions and Sean Gilgore, a social media consultant, also talking about their experiences at Buffalo Small Business Breakthrough Day. In fact the event was so successful that we are spinning it off into a monthly brunch series.

The brunch series is being organized the Small Business Breakthrough Day founder, Paul Greiner of ALS Consulting, along with Nickel City Graphics LLC and CJ Maurer of Of The Sea Marketing. The first brunch is set for Saturday May 3rd from 11am – 1pm. It will feature two short workshops and a networking/business building event that both benefits and draws on every business professional in attendance. It is a truly unique exercise and should be a lot of fun. Keep your eyes peeled for more info on Small Business Breakthrough Brunch series. Here is the official write-up:

Breakthrough Brunch:

A series of high-value events designed for forward-thinking entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders. Held on one Saturday per month, each event will have a specific theme and provide a unique opportunity to connect and collaborate with other individuals and groups in the business community committed to new ways of thinking, new approaches and new results. You can count on:

  • workshops/ presentations that are engaging, informative and immediately applicable

  • innovative and impactful networking games and exercises

  • valuable connections in a distinct atmosphere?

  • great food

Next Event: Play It Forward

In our inaugural event, we will be revealing, exploring and demonstrating a distinct way of approaching business success: making the first move and (really and truly) demonstrating value. Our speakers will set the stage by debunking some myths about power and success, leading an exercise to clarify who it is that we want to connect with, and then bringing it home with some questions and a networking exercise unlike anything you’ve experienced.

Yes, we’re kicking off with a bang. Sign up, strap in and get ready to Play It Forward.

Related Topics: Graphic Design, Small Business Breakthrough, Small Business Marketing, Video Production, Web Video




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