The key to standing out in the crowded world of digital marketing is relevance and a consistent stream of content. Well developed web video has relevance down. It’s concise, targeted and useful. But, video can also help fill...
Why Video is Awesome
Why Video is Awesome #4 – Visualize Visualize Has this ever happened to you? You explain your product or business to a friend, relative or prospect. You think you you have done a good job. You think you have kept it succinct and simple… … and they look at you...
Why Video is Awesome #3 – Demonstrate Demonstrate Is your profession one where you give the same presentation multiple times a day? A week? or even a year? You may be interested in reason #3 why video is awesome. Have you ever wondered why you don’t see many...
Why Video is Awesome #2 – Answer Common Questions Common Questions Do you answer the same questions about your business over and over again? You may be interested in reason #2 why video is awesome. As much as you may like helping people out, answering the same...
Why Video is Awesome #1 – Introduce Yourself Introduce Yourself Video is a great opportunity to introduce yourself or your business. I was recently part of a story where this came into play. A friend was looking for insurance advice. I offer to hook him up with ‘my guy’. He is a...